
Improve the performance of your SMSF

Find out how much you can save your SMSF.

For the past 4-5 years, interest rates on SMSF Investment Loans have been very unaffordable and as a result many people are struggling with keeping their SMSF running without having to chip in extra funds through salary sacrificing or non-concessional contributions.

The sheer knowledge that you are significantly overpaying on your SMSF Investment Loan and unable to do anything about it, has been very frustrating to many. The amount of work combined with the often extreme costs (up to $4-5K) and fees simply did not justify going through the exercise of refinancing.

Let’s call it as it is: the few lenders active in the SMSF Lending Market have had Monopoly and could charge whatever they wanted and nobody to keep them accountable.

Refinancing a SMSF Investment Loan has never been a solution to the problem. Until Now: from early 2021, new lenders have entered the market, offering significantly lower interest rates through the Mortgage Broker Channel and, lowering the threshold of refinancing even further, often with very little costs and fees.

This refreshing wave of new interest rates, from as little as 3.90% with very little costs and fees, combined with our experience in SMSF finance, results in the perfect wave of circumstances for us to do the work for you and start improving the performance of your SMSF.

Stop flushing money down the drain and Contact Us now to find out how much you can save your SMSF.

Daan Jansen

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